Insight Project Spring 2019 Publication
Novus Think Tank Narrative Insights Committee Spring 2019 Publication The Insight Project in·sight | recognition of the self within the other | Novus Think Tank’s Narrative Insight Project starts focused, interactive conversations about the issues that matter. We focus on the human element: by exploring the narratives of individuals affected by social challenges, we put a name and a face to otherwise abstract, impersonal concepts. Drawing from the experiences of a diverse set of students, professors, and experts in industry, we facilitate out-group empathy by promoting a culture of curiosity, authenticity, and mindful listening. As a result, we reframe anger into understanding, loneliness into belonging, and hopelessness into inspiration. Our Interviews This semester, we conducted interviews with three undergraduates to explore the theme of Isolation, Appearance, & Fitting In, in advance of our event which went by the same title. Our goal was to use these ...